Monday, August 16, 2010

Jazz in the Sculpture Garden

Every Friday in the summer the National Gallery of Art hosts "Jazz in the Sculpture Garden", a free outdoor concert.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

All the Sullivan Pictures You've Ever Wanted!

Below are links to pictures from Sullivan's first three months. He's had lots of adventures, been lots of places, and met lots of friends and family. He's certainly a very lucky boy to have so many people who love him.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


Sullivan getting close to mother nature

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Rolling Sullivan (click play)

We promise there were no video tricks used. Sullivan actually rolled over a couple of times at 2 weeks of age!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Grandma Boyer

Grandma Boyer came to visit and Sullivan fell in love with her right away. The naps he took in her arms were his favorite. Shannon's mom stayed for a couple of days and provided an invaluable extra set of hands and an even more invaluable wealth of experience. :)

Grandma and Pops Barth are the first visitors

Terry and John were able to come visit right after Sullivan arrived and spent a couple of hours with the new triad!

Sullivan's first photo shoot

Sullivan graced us with an open eye photo opp early in his life. Subsequent attempts to get this shot were not as successful.

Sullivan Barth arrives at 8:19PM on May 1st, 2010

After a long day at the hospital walking the halls, watching the Kentucky Derby, dancing, napping, listening to music, ... Sullivan (middle name TBD) Barth arrived in a flash. The doctor apparently has some experience as a hockey goalie. Sullivan weighed 7lbs and 15 oz. He was 35 inches long....oh no, wait, that was grams (35 grams = 7lbs 15oz). He was 21 inches long. Kevin and Grandmom Barth were glad to see that his ears came from the Boyer side of his gene pool! He was healthy in every way, scored well on all of the tests. Shannon enjoyed a long awaited cheese sandwich and then she and Kevin attempted to settle down to "sleep".